8 lessons from a successful business
“Hey dudes”
I was recently introduced to a great business and two energetic business twins, The Happy Pear. A successful ‘going concern’ situated just south of Dublin at a place called Greystones. They started the business on a whim or a passion they had and over the last few years have gradually grown step by step. They follow @SusanGoldsworthy 5 D’s success model of disruption, desire, discipline, determination and development. I admire their rustic authentic approach which connects their customer base.
Hang in there the business may be based on vegetarian / vegan food and building a healthy heart but there are lessons we can all learn from their successful format …8 lessons of a successful business model
1. Live your brand — Stephen and David Flynn might be at the centre of their brand but they live it to. For me they lead from the front, collaborating with a great team and community along the way. They bring their products and services alive.
2. Be authentic — As we know from the many articles and research that being truly authentic can make you feel vulnerable. When communicating on film or in words they express what is truly happening. Making it feel easy to complete a recipe with changing ingredients. I like the association of cooking with business that we can still complete the recipe but need to be fluid as to what the ingredients might be as the plan might be altered along the way.
3. Simple formulae — Have a simple formula that your potential clients can identify with and pull together the relevant (contextual) ingredients with ease. You get what you see with the Happy Pear.
4. Give a guiding hand to clients — Not everyone has your expertise so simplify, guide, implement and then support them as they sustain their new behaviours.
5. Be the leader you want to be — Stephen and David haven’t changed their rustic image as their marketing and customer base grows ever bigger. By being who you want to be or as some would say your best self is the winning formulae.
6. Transparent communication — #thehappypear communications allow you to share their journey warts and all (well some of them — no journey is easy). We all know mistakes are made and its hard work so why hide from that as otherwise customers and potential customers may feel conned or feel the offering isn’t real.
7. Show you care — through authenticity and application of reality.
8. One step at a time — Things don’t grow overnight. The Happy Pear have gradually increased their reach, products and services over a 10 year period. Services, products and marketing opportunities are gradually being piloted and taken to a bigger market. As an example in learning / organisation development, professionals like @bnmurphy14 and @andy_andyhurren agree that we should just #getstarted by having a pilot in the shadows. This builds support which can then be leveraged for influencing when you go for the implementation.
For me the best bit is that they are authentic and live the message.
Which characteristic are you going to help you build an entrepreneurial mindset?