Effort is the one measure that is driven by you.

2 min readFeb 27, 2020


Effort is the one measure that is driven by you. Simon Fitfall Unsplash

Effort is the one measure that is driven by you. Take the opportunity to be the leader not follower of your effort.

Effort is a value to you. Its measured internally. It is the dial that is easy to use some days and less than others.

It is affected by the basics of human life like food, love, sleep and exercise. It is also affected by thoughts (that aren’t real) that limit us in our actions. Lastly its affected by whether you are being driven with your passion / purpose or other internal influence.

Inner strength is the compass that supports your effort dial. Fear and doubt can be killers of effort and tends to put you in the follower seat.

Finding your own ways of keeping your effort dial up will keep you in the leaders seat and will be unique to you.

Play some music you love, go for a walk, close your eyes for a minute, read a page of your favourite book, give a passer by a compliment, do something in the community, change where you sit can all help to support you be the leader of your effort.

Effort is the one measure that is driven by you. Be the leader not follower of your effort.




Written by Lizzie

Im a giver, sharer with aspirations. Im a leadership coach, single mum, love being outdoors - recently described as having energetic integrity.

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