3 min readMay 23, 2017

Finding your niche. 8 tips for a winning formulae ?

You are staring at it so just use it

I was recently talking with a client who was gutted that they had waffled their way through a conversation that could have given them their next business opportunity. As it turned out they were aware that to allow people to assist them in building a pipeline of work that you need to have a focus on something. This would allow a hook which people can then build from. The something could be anything that you enjoyed and hopefully therefore delivered with excellence. Yet years have drifted passed where they had still not focused their pitch.

This particularly client was passionate about learning and how learning could support the success of others either for themselves, teams or the organisation itself. They were concerned of the perception of the message that the learning and development ‘tag’ might have on their brand. In my experience, it’s the perceived perception of others that is the driver. Like many professional titles meanings are associated with the words. People want to put you into a box so as means to understand.

As John Dewey , an American philosopher, said that the deepest urge in human nature is “the desire to be important’. So for some the ‘tag’ may need to support that.

Learning, development, training have different meaning to different people. In many cases appears to be seen a luxury, a cost and is renowned to be the first thing to be cut when things aren’t going to plan and for many an insignificant part of business. We all want to feel valued. Was the internal fight to recognise what they loved and had value to offer or were they hidden behind not knowing what would be the right ‘keywords’ to draw success and work satisfaction?

In my experience, we know the answer. We know what our passion is and the hook is close behind it, our unique selling proposition (USP), the words that people are familiar with. The people who you would like to work with will be drawn to your clear message that is developed from an intrinsic passion.

So what advice would you give this person?

Here are 8 tips to help you define your defining your niche / hook / USP

1. Get started — everyone has a different perception and what you say is just an opportunity to start a conversation. So have a line and continually refine it.

2. Don’t get too much advice — as we all have had different experiences that have build perceptions

3. Find the popular words — Research certain words on Google and linkedin and establish the most popular

4. Ask yourself — If you were to hire you for best work what would that be?

5. Define your best day — if you had you best day what would that look like and what would others have seen

6. Ask others for feedback

7. Build a healthy body and mind — The easy to read book Eat, sleep and move (Tom Hath) explains in an easy format as to how to build and maintain a healthy body and healthy mind. It isn’t just an old wives tale as will allow you to work effectively and identify the right words.

8. Give yourself time for reflection

We live in an age of beta where we need to constantly learn, refine and move on. The best part, treat yourself and get started and then continue the beta pathway of refining and continually improve.


Written by Lizzie

Im a giver, sharer with aspirations. Im a leadership coach, single mum, love being outdoors - recently described as having energetic integrity.

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