7 tips to seal you a successful Journey
How many times have you thought:
What is special about that presenter?
What makes this person an expert?
What is it about their experience that makes them special?
Many of you reading this will have years of experience which has built who you are today or as the marketers call, brand YOU. On getting a few extra tips from an old colleague recently I asked how would you describe what I do and the value I bring and the response? Lizzie. I havent heard of a profession called Lizzie but I guess you should never say never. You are an expert of your journey.
A recent coaching client of mine spent 10 minutes sharing the frustration that a conference was only open to senior people in the profession plus a few ‘experts’ and ‘thought leaders’. They were highly committed to the success of their clients and had built a passion to support the industry movement from an archaic system of reinventing a broken wheel to one of performance. Clearly passionate about the subject the issue wasnt about the action more with trying to get into the inner network / circle of so called specialists in their web of influencers. With a value and belief of giving and sharing this would be a great opportunity to add to developments.
We see people giving TED talks, authors writing books published by recognisable publishing houses yet what is that gives people the edge. There are numerous quotes, books and guru’s splurging ‘push away the fear and go for it’ but what is the magic formula?
Have a go at these and share the results:
Giving and sharing
Many would say that the most satisfying moments is when they give. We all have wisdom and knowledge to part and there are always people who can gain from that. This is also the start of broadening your reach with your message and expertise. Start sharing your content in short bites on line.
A grand name for those running their own business or large corporations? No, it is necessary for us all to market ourselves. Take the opportunity to learn from the greats (for example Virgin, Seth Godin, The Marketing Practice, Simon Sinek)on line and build a stepping stone approach to building and maintaining your brand. Then create a plan with a friend so they hold you accountable to it.
Keep moving
Whether for fitness and physique or mindset and message. Keep progressing through learning and keeping fit. Incorporate the two together. For example mentoring and or coaching and walking. Build on your experiences and knowledge and constantly evolve your thinking and proposition so you can be flexible to the context of work. Being fit shows you are ready to optimise yourself as well as your next client and be an important part of your tribe. Find your diary and book in some regular slots for exercise and learning. Share your learnings and fitness plan with a colleague or two.
Define your story
People like to hear progressive stories from people they admire. Building stories takes time, experience and opportunity. Having a goal with a mapped journey can help this and then create stories to share in conversations, presentations and writing. This is what will be remembered. Create a one minute story on your commute to work each day and record it or add it to your notes before opening your email.
Keep dreaming
As Clyde Brolin in his book ‘In the Zone’ says our brain likes goals and those who have succeeded in life whether in sport or business have dared to dream. Grab a blank piece of paper (no lines) and create a picture of what you would love to do, achieve with no constraints. So saying that you dont have the time, money or skill is not an excuse. Just go for it. If you would like support moving to the next step get in touch and we can talk it through. What does your picture of success look like?
Keep talking
Share your message and passion in a story that people can relate to and could have an emotional attachment to. Remember not to overload the same people as they may get bored of hearing it. Grab a piece of paper or record your 2 minute passion in small chunks on your phone. Listen to it and refine it.
Julian Stodd at Salt Learning drives the message of learning in the social age. What are the most effective assets in business and sport teams? Whether an individual sport or business leader or your home the collaboration of a number of people is better than one. Collaborate with like minded and those you need to influence to support a high performance world. Try Julians book Social leadership: My first 100 Days as a starting point.
Are you in this position or have you made it? Would be great to hear your stories that made you in your world? and how you are keeping at the top of your game?