There are two types of time
Restricted time and freedom time
Restricted time adds to the pressure with deadlines
Freedom time is limitless.
The Balance
When we have too much restricted time we feel stressed.
The blood supply is reduced to the very place we need it.
We are less creative, less pleasant to be with and work feels like hard work.
Freedom time allows us to be creative, adventurous and innovative.
If we are left in freedom time we can drift.
Balance comes when you have the inner strength to do what is ‘right’
The mix of both types of time. In the right proportions.
Time guide
The time guide can come from the internal, invisible yet tangible strength.
The strength to know when you are following the purpose not just doing what is easy.
The strength to divide your day so you can utilise both times so you can meet deadlines and be creative.
You own your inner strength. Being conscious of what it does and how best to use it. A great place to start is with looking after it.
Learn more at www.lizzierhodesjames.co.uk