How to best exercise two of your most important strengths

3 min readApr 21, 2020


I was recently reminded by the great copy writers David Hieatt and Mike Coulter that we need to build on our 5 a day to ensure we are in peak performance for writing. These being exercise, sleep, diet, mental health and getting organised.


How to best exercise two of your most important strengths comes through simple tiny habits that form behaviours and who we are. When we know who we are i.e. a runner, a photographer, a walker it allows us to better connect (and do the behaviour) that supports that identity. Plus, and more importantly through routine.

Two strengths

The two strengths here are exercise and mental health. We tend to associate muscle building with the physical stuff of weights and body (i.e. using your body as a means to get stronger like the plank and or press ups). While strength of mental health gets left behind in the race to be fit and strong.


I love the idea that you could choose through a wish list of options. If you live in an area with facilities and countryside (and have the means) there are so many options. I have always liked the solitude of morning runs, walks, plus a bit of yoga with some swimming. With limited options to get to a mass of water I have also turned to HITT for 30minutes and not forgetting the odd bike ride with my son.

Mental health

It’s all over the press yet we tend not to go to a gym or find time to exercise the mental health strength muscle. I can’t say I set the best example here but in my day I tend to touch on these: getting outside in a green space, stopping (even just to listen to what is going on around me), pausing with nothing, walking, talking with my children about what we have given and grateful for and be kind to myself. The last is the hardest as I tend to serve my children and my business before that comes into play. However getting outside / taking exercise first thing in the morning is my little piece of luxury for myself.


Through personal experience and working with people with full diaries I have learnt the first hour or so in the day is when you have the most control to strengthen yourself. The secret is to get up before anyone else and have that time uninterrupted. For those with other responsibilities like children, animals and employees you can generally get out guilt free before you and your time belongs to others.

What next?

1. Find a blank sheet of paper and pen. Without bringing limitations, list, draw and or mind map all the exercise and mental health opportunities you would like to do.

2. List them in order of what you like best, you have the ability to do it (have the kit) and easy to access.

3. Select what you will start with. Probably the one at the top of your list. Write it down when you will start. Start.

4. Draw up a habit chart. Cross the box when you have completed your exercise and mental health activity.

5. Take time each day to reflect on how the development of these strengths are impacting the important decisions in your life.

Personal experience has shown that I and the people I work with gain the inner strength for other things they want to achieve in life. Why not have a go? Nows a good enough time to start as any.




Written by Lizzie

Im a giver, sharer with aspirations. Im a leadership coach, single mum, love being outdoors - recently described as having energetic integrity.

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