14 Tips to build your leadership skills
Ever made a decision that you later regretted as it had the potential to have an impact on the trust relationship?
What can you do to continue to align your trust values in the heat of the moment?
There is an underlying need to deliver quickly and effectively to show to investors, stakeholders, managers and leaders that you are adding value. In the heat of the moment people are making choices that undermine the very people they need to support. This results in reducing trust and subsequently performance, productivity and prosperity (wellbeing).
As a leader what can you do to reduce this happening?
- Nudge yourself — Think of something that will remind you and keep you mindful of what you are doing. This may be in the form of list of actions you always turn to or an action you carry out that brings you back to reality.
- Reflect — Each day book in 5 minutes into your calendar — be self aware and make commitments to yourself to how you will adapt for tomorrows opportunities.
- Get support — Find a mentor and or coach who can allow you to discuss and co-create options. Find a trusted colleague who can be open and honest with you with out the ‘fluff’
- Introduce a ‘time out’ — when the heat is on it takes a true leader to stop take ‘5’ and then continue. How can you incorporate that into what you are doing? Perhaps you could have your ‘time out’ prior to a meeting or the heat by being prepared.
- Be consistent — When people know how you operate effectively in a certain way it builds a level of trust as to what might happen in a certain situation. Consistency of approach, collaborative management communication are just a few.
- Be accountable — People need to know where they stand an in the same way they expect leaders to put their hand up when things go right and wrong. Show what they have done and give the kudos and credibility where it is due.
- Do what you say you are going to- There is nothing more frustrating than someone saying they will do something and it doesnt happen. For me this sets patterns that when its really important the trust isnt there that it will happen. So either do what you say you will or dont put your hand up in the first place.
- Deliver as required — Your role will mean certain expectations for some and so make sure you are clear through your communications as to what you think it is. As a leader, also allow people to share what they think you are there to deliver and keep the dialogue going.
- Be the behaviour that you want to be — Whether you you regularly think about it or not you know what trust means to you. What great behaviour looks like and the reasons you value it. So as a leader you are in an amazing position to lead with that style.
- Do what is right not what is easy — I learnt early in my career from a leader that its all to easy to hide from what we should do by trying to cut corners. A trusting relationship is a sensitive so do what builds a foundation of trust rather than the easy option that might create a loose feeling of trust.
- Stay relevant by continuing to evolve skills, mindset and actions — How effective you are and continue to be is based on your ability to adapt. Learning and having a learning mindset is at the heart of this. How are you applying this today? Do you have a coach and or mentor, colleague or trusted friend who challenges you?
- Be good at what you do — One of the best approaches for building trust is being great at what you do. Doesnt matter who you are in the organisation, team and or community. If people know you will deliver the work will follow the trust.
- See beyond what’s in it for you — People like to think that you are not doing things just for your own benefit. So do you have a higher purpose for your efforts? have you communicated this? how do you demonstrate this with your work and communications?
- Create a path for success and support your teams and colleagues along the way — when you help others to achieve their success trust starts to form and as leader you support people through thick and thin the bond of trust is made concrete.
I always find that people find the getting started bit the hardest ..
here are a few questions to help you on your quest:
What are the questions you need to consider when building trust as a leader?
How can we work with this in international organisations where people never meet?
What is the criteria or process to build that trust when cultural and belief norms may be challenged across time zones and increase the time to build trust?
What does it mean to be as a practitioner of transformation / change / performance with trust?
How can knowing what our communities and tribes are can allow us to handrail the uncertainties and fears of what next?
What is trust to me and how am I utilising the 14 tips to be a trusted leader?
Winning in the world of trust comes from self awareness, being accountable and giving. How are you making this work in your world?
Would be great to hear your stories of trust and leadership.
Would be great to hear your stories and your opportunities — get in touch — lizzie@rhodesjames.co.uk