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How to develop a team that believes they can deliver

3 min readMar 14, 2018

Listening to the radio recently I heard the sports commentator say “the team just didnt look liked they believed”

Its not just national football teams that need to shake a little.

What are beliefs?

Beliefs are the generalisation we make about ourselves, the people and world around us and these become our operating principles. We act as if they are true as they are true to us. These beliefs can influence how and what we do and be the very foundation to allow us to achieve our success.

The value of beliefs

Watching the olympics you are constantly reminded through interviews the importance of beliefs. This years Winter Olympics is no exception. Liz Yarnold won Gold to defend her title, an amazing achievement. When asked by Clare Balding whether she knew she could win gold during her training the answer was yes. She then went on to describe how she knew her strengths and to focus on her plan. She belived that through her preparation and focus she had what it takes.

Is that how you feel with what you are trying to achieve? Do you believe you can achieve your goals?

If you believe your goal is possible to achieve, you have the ability to achieve the goal and you deserve to reach the goal what is stopping you?

So what can you do to support your team believe they can achieve?

In my experience you often have to start at the beginning to establish a foundation or the foundations and then build from there.

  1. What are your team goals and strengths and list them so all can see.
  2. List success stories the team have had
  3. Take 5 minutes to list the things that look like obstacles as a team
  4. Then take another 5 minutes to talk through what are real obstacles and what are beliefs

a. is the obstacle impossible to achieve? if so ditch the outcome

b. is the obstacle something you could get around with a bit of effort? If so decided on a scale of 1–10 how much you would like the outcome and also using the same scale do you ‘want’ to put the effort in? If so go for it. If not ditch the outcome and move on.

c. is the obstacle a belief based one by you and or the team? If so how could you test that belief? Does the belief only sit in your head? How real is it? Once tested can you achieve the outcome (a) or do you have the desire to put the effort in (b)? Make the decision and then decide whether to continue.

3. Take ownership — only you and the team can be responsible for your outcomes and take the necessary action to achieve. Allow people to utilise their strengths in meeting the goals and believing they can.

4. Be positive and create in the moment statements (dont give statements as if they have happened or they will do in a timescale unless they relate directly to a goal ‘I will have doubled by profit by the end of the financial year’). I am becoming a leader in my field of expertise. I am becoming more and more fitter / relaxed / exceeding client expectations…

5. Write it down — now you have your plan and great positive outcome. Stick it on a smart piece of paper with beautiful handwriting / layout and place it where you can see it. Talk about it whenever you come together as a team. Mark the team progress.

Whether a national team or individual beliefs can hold the key to achieving the outcome…collaborate with others to diffuse the barriers and place the effort in to achieve.

What impact can you have on your beliefs that will enhance your success?

I love rolling my sleeves up and getting under the skin of a significant challenge working with high energy, new and established teams (mostly entrepreneurs, tech and small businesses) to be productive, high performing and prosperous.

Dont hesitate to get in touch




Written by Lizzie

Im a giver, sharer with aspirations. Im a leadership coach, single mum, love being outdoors - recently described as having energetic integrity.

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