Find your system.
Earlier this year.
I was introduced to the idea of systems.
Systems for getting work done.
Like you I got on and did what I needed to.
In whatever way I thought would help me.
To get my job done.
I wasn’t conscious of how and when I enabled my systems.
Until the keyboard CEO course with David Hieatt and Mike Coulter.
They talked explicitly about the systems that
Optimised the art of doing and doing great work.
I came to realise that my haphazard way
Of approaching things wasn’t that effective.
So I’ve optimised my doing by
Finding out the core components.
Of a system to do great work.
What can be automated.
What can be delegated or outsourced.
Being conscious about what behaviour creates a system.
Importantly when to start that system for best effect.
What’s in your optimised system?
When do you know you need to create a new one or
Just get started?
Original on my website here