Ever tried to second guess what the other person or people are wanting?
When working with leaders they often talk through balance of how much of I should I bring to the table dilemma.
“How much of what I do should I conform with what ‘everyone’ else does and how much should I be me”
When leaders try and be something they are not the stress levels go up and it often coincides with an internal mental conflict with their own beliefs and with those that are being imposed on them. This takes energy away from what they should and want to be doing and in so doing weakens their progress.
It’s a balance of risk and relationships. Listening to the needs and seeking out what of yourself can really allow progress to take place is a great strategy. Of course this changes with time, topic and people. Continually adapting to the context is essential. Those who are strong in all senses tend to be able to read this the best.
Trying to be something you are not weakens you. You are on a relentlessly trying to play someone else’s game which in itself is exhausting. Leaving you weaker to do the things you need to.
Lizzie Rhodes James coaches today’s greatest leaders and teams, for tomorrow’s greatest leadership challenges. And that’s tricky.
It’s tricky because the rules of the game change. Organisations and the markets they serve change. And leaders themselves change.
That’s why — above all else — it is a leaders Inner Strength that is Lizzie’s main focus. It’s the best way to win.