1. Urgency is a gift.
A sense of urgency that affects peoples safety is the best gift of all.
2. Work at the edges by giving people permission to wing it.
This creates the opportunity to ask questions, not wait and start something.
3. Autonomy wins the day.
You can do your best work when you feel you have the autonomy to do with no constraints.
4. Turn up blind.
By turning up blind with a rookie mindset you start with basic inquiry and explore stones unturned.
5. Coach at the point of the highest energy (motivation).
You allow people to feel they have the ability and the prompt to do.
6. Recruit the awkward ****.
They ask the best questions in the worst moments. That will clear the elephant and help you make a monumental shift.
7. Celebrate with questions.
When you reflect at the end of the day. Its not what you have done that you need to celebrate. It is what was the best question you asked today?
8. Simple tools and frameworks are a gift.
They make people feel they have the ability. Start with cool tools
9. Knowing the part you play is key.
There is a collective responsibility in communities whether a small business, large corporation or parts of the country. A curiositer knows their part in the plan to do their best work.
10. Collect data that merits the skills and outputs of a curiositer.
Data measures for a curiositer is based on the questions, the value of the contribution and the impact they are having for the future.
11. Safety is a foundation of curiositers superb work
When the curiositer feels safe they do their best work. Whether at the macro or micro level there is a responsibility to make people feel safe. Not an outcast. Otherwise social norming will prevail and people get stuck.
12. Give your team the permission ‘to come as they are’.
Whether they have 18 years experience, 34 years experience or 60 + years experience. The interlocking of these minds and thoughts builds the thinking that excels and accelerates curiosity.
13. Dont let the curiosity get lost.
Things start. Often things don’t get finished. But what happens to them? Curositers don’t allow things to get lost in the system.
14. Things arent allowed to get stuck at the top.
Curious people don’t let things get stuck at the top where the energy for renewal is. They hand over permission and support (that allows them to feel they have the ability) to be the curiositers. The Doers get linked to the energy and the need.
15. Nothing happens in big bounds.
Curiositers recognise and do daily behaviours to grow themselves and the systems they touch.
16. Learn a new skill every year
Curiosity grows when they learn a new skill every year.
17. Allow to be taken rather than choose a fixed route.
A curiositer thrives on seeing where things take them rather than worry about a fixed route.
18. Judgement and ego don’t enter a curiositers home
A true curiositer has the skill of leaving behind any judgement and ego and participates relentlessly.
19. Strength
To do what is right not what is easy is fundamental.
20. Join the dots
Its about seeking out patterns and tapestries and working out what they mean and how to implement them.
21. Limiting is gold dust.
Limit resources and time and you have the best platform for curiosity to breed.
22. Teams are the petri dishes for ideas to flourish and grow.
Build safety, share vulnerability and establish purpose to allow the curiosity to grow.
23. A curiositer has the strength to be driven by their heart and gut followed by your head.
You are the leader of your first steps. Let your heart lead the way.
Photo by Anthony Cantin on Unsplash
Originally published at https://www.lizzierhodesjames.co.uk on May 28, 2020.