Are you embarrassed by your own profession?
Do you fit into an ‘employment category’?
Most people know which profession they belong to and most people are happy to defend and support their professional cause…then there are a few who dont fit the traditional setting which we find in the drop down career lists and or just cant face giving themselves a label as they cringe at the thought.
Do you fit into a clear remit?
Am I the only person in the world who’s heart sinks every time I get asked what I do? After a brief description I can see or hear the person on the phone trying to fit me into a category. Ah so you work in training and learning and development…er no…well maybe. You see every time someone says that my heart sinks. I hear the sales department calling out I have to get ‘x’ amount of revenue to pay the training department let alone any learning investment. You see I dont like to be just ‘a cost’ to the business but be a key orchestrator of consistent high performance and success. Now if I was an accountant people might glaze over but recognise that if there isnt someone watching the cash flow there will be no ‘us’.
Seth Godin talks about the increasing number of independent ‘tribes’ to support their passion and more importantly supporting organisations and individuals achieve their success. This is seen in television and music industries which used to be large and are now made up of lots of different organisations. Streets are the same the day of the corporate brands hogging the high street are slowing going with the technical age and people wanting to be different. Its those that aren’t following the norm and wanting to be different. You cant be normal anymore…how do you fight your way through the social media as there are millions out there already and the algorithm allows those who have a large following already to build even more.
So what does that mean?
What tribe do you belong to or should you start your own?
I am a performance consultant, passionate about supporting others achieve their success by building simple and effective tools and infrastructure. I can see, hear and feel that there are others who are also building part of this tribe. My key aim now is to be central to this tribe rather than an unknown outsider by sharing, giving and supporting the tribes stories of success. Here is my starting point:
- Give and share
- Keep delivering performance
- Continually learn
What’s your tribe and what is your role in it?
Are you ready to launch a tribe to come away and be a more effective performance offering for business?
What are your tricks to building a tribe?
Get in touch and share your successes of building performance.