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What does a network do to your success?

9 benefits, 8 coaching questions and 7 advice tips to keep you on track

4 min readMar 31, 2018


I was out walking with senior leader recently and we were discussing the difference that makes the difference. After a short pause and some time to think she turned to me and said…network.

“What do you mean by a network?”

“Well the network of friends I have that I can turn to when the motorway is busy and I need my children picking up from school or when the school is shut because the weather is severe. These are my rock that support me when being a working mum.”

“Anything else?”

Well when I think of network I think of the different layers and groups I know within the business and profession I work in.

So let me explain.

I have a group of people I have met through my profession at events and conferences that I turn to share ideas, collaborate with and or get reassurance that what I am doing makes sense.

Then I have the global team I work in where we share ideas and support each other perform and keep our wellbeing on track.

The other networks more informally created by those I have met at company events and or stakeholders of programs I have led and delivered. Sometimes its a coincidence meeting whilst making coffee or queuing at the canteen at lunchtime”

“so what do these networks mean to your success?”

“They mean I can get an understanding of the heart beat of the business and get a real understanding of what success might look like for my programs.

I can test informally in conversations the ideas that I have and also create a trusted group that I can pilot what I plan to implement.

My network has allowed me to seek out new roles in the business and the bit I love best is mentoring / supporting others who have found me in a network.

I have supported others to problem solve with a task they needed to completed and also set up calls with my different people from different networks to connect them across the business to solve problems.

The other area that comes about is innovation and reducing system and process duplication.

Networks are my life blood of success, sharing, giving and wellbeing.”

“What advice would you give someone wanting to improve their performance?”

“ah thats easy grab a coffee and maybe a trusted friend to support you an perhaps probe you through your choices.

Then get a few things in order and give and support your network — here’s how I would approach it:

  1. Define your performance and wellbeing goal. What is your performance goal? How can I maintain my health?
  2. List the different groups of people you know for example friends of your children, friends from education, colleagues, sports team, gym….the list goes on . You . may like to use something like linkedin
  3. Identify your strengths. If you could spend all day everyday doing x,y, z — what would that be?

so now you know you and what your resources are have a go at:

4. Giving to the different networks you have

5. Make time in your diary each week to connect to people in your network to ‘catch up’ this could be cyber or face to face. I like to think I always add value to a conversation even if its a tip of a my morning routine.

6. Checkin with your formal networks for feedback and value add of what you are doing.

7. Review what you are doing on a monthly basis that you are on track”

“is there anything else”

“I like to check in quarterly that I am on track and readjust my success and then try and share that with my network and vice verser.

Oh and dont do too much navel gazing i.e. self analysis get started and adjust as you go”

“So on a scale of 1–10 how committed are you to maintaining and building your network?”

“oh 9.5”

“Ah so given your busy schedule is sounds and feels like this is important to you. Given you you need to dash to your next appointment I will send you away with a few questions to consider….dont hesitate to get in touch if you’d like a chat”

8 coaching questions to consider to keep on track

What will you have when you are maintaining and building your network is a success? What will you see hear and feel?

What is standing in the way?

What is your own responsibility for what is happening?

What options have you got here?

What criteria will you use to judge the options?

Which option is the best against your criteria?

When will you take your next / first step

when will you take it?

Networks are powerful tools that have been used for many hundreds of years for work and home support. Building and maintaining them takes time — the trick to give and the rest will follow.

I love rolling my sleeves up and getting under the skin of a significant challenge working with high energy, new and established teams (mostly entrepreneurs, tech and small businesses) to be productive, high performing and prosperous (healthy and happy).

Lizzie Rhodes James is a Performance Coach who specialises in helping teams and individuals exceed their potential at work and in life. Having successfully transitioned from a successful Army career into the Corporate world, Lizzie brings an exceptional and distinctive blend of discipline, focus and agility into her practice. Lizzie is also passionate about health and wellness, and adds a depth of thinking to align body and mind, enhancing overall performance and encouraging clients to transcend their limits.




Written by Lizzie

Im a giver, sharer with aspirations. Im a leadership coach, single mum, love being outdoors - recently described as having energetic integrity.

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