What is the difference that will make the difference to success?
Doing these 7 things to give you the edge
I was recently talking with a senior leader in a business about what made or would make a difference to them to achieve their success and without much thought she said:
Energy for performance
This got me thinking about other conversations I have had with clients and all the management and leadership mumbo jumbo. Entrepreneurs, leaders, managers in fact whatever role you see yourself in there is a real desire to getting back to the basics rather than worry about the ‘mumbo jumbo’.
So as a starting point lets look at the core components
What is performance?
What is Energy?
Well for me performance comes in three P’s performance, productivity and prosperity (wellbeing) as per my previous blog. When you have the ‘right’ balance for you and your team the world is your oyster. The work of Hintsa and Tony Shwartz both recognise the need to mix mental, physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of us to achieve a balanced and sustainable performance outcome.
So what is energy?
Energy is the feeling you have the right motivation and ‘get up and go’ energy at that point in time.
We all know there are moments where the body says yes as we have had some great sleep food and water. There are also moments where what we are doing gives us energy as we love what we are doing.
On the flip of the coin we have had moments of exhaustion and its only a goal / crisis and or personal motivation towards something that has meant it has happened.
So when you get it right it looks something like this
So the next thought is how can I maintain that right balance?
Doing these 7 things will support you to achieve your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual success balance
Add fresh air moment to your day- take a walk to get your lunch and or find a task that means to have to get outside. Use your body rather than transport to get to work
Schedule exercise — rather than make it difficult take exercise as part of your day. On the way to work, between meetings, take a walking meeting.
Build support networks — Whether at home and or work ask people to support you on your quest. Find a trusted colleague, coach and or mentor that will hold you accountable.
Sleep — set an alarm that informs you its bed time (without devices)
Find the food that brings you energy — We are all wired differently and this means are needs can be different. Start small and see the difference for example more green, less carbs and stopping to eat.
Drink simply — grab a water bottle in the morning, fill it and challenge yourself to complete it before lunchtime and another before home time. Warm water is absorbed more easily by the body.
Learn to stop — we all like the feeling of belonging or being needed by having a full diary. But a diary that has a gap for stopping is one that is sustainable.
As you can see its the simple things in fact basic human needs that people are wanting that will support the success trajectory.
Would be great to hear about your experiences and whats made a difference?
I love rolling my sleeves up and getting under the skin of a significant challenge working with high energy, new and established teams (mostly entrepreneurs, tech and small businesses) to be productive, high performing and prosperous (healthy and happy).
Lizzie Rhodes James is a Wellbeing and Performance Coach who specialises in helping teams and individuals exceed their potential at work and in life. Having successfully transitioned from a successful Army career into the Corporate world, Lizzie brings an exceptional and distinctive blend of discipline, focus and agility into her practice. Lizzie is also passionate about health and wellness, and adds a depth of thinking to align body and mind, enhancing overall performance and encouraging clients to transcend their limits.