Life is complicated enough so why do we make it more so? It makes us weaker and in so doing those around us too.
Complications come in layers.
Layers that are real and layers that we create.
I have seen and know from experience that even the simplest decision seems to be complicated.
When we remove our own layers things tend to get easier.
We feel stronger for it too.
Our own layers come from the need to feel safe, the thoughts that we have created, the things that don’t get talked about in the boardroom (the elephants) and the need to maintain an image. The need to protect those ourselves, our families, our teams and our organisations.
The real layers is the stuff that is there. The tasks and the things that get imposed on us.
By having all these layers adds complications to our decision making and in turn adds complications to how and why we communicate. In so doing it weakens us, our position, our progress and the very people who can support us.
I like to simplify this with a simple question:
“When you start with a blank sheet of paper what happens next (to your goal, need of the conversation”
What a relief I see what I ask those I coach.
It is incredible as I watch the body language change. The clarity unfolds while I listen. And as one client says
“**** lizzie you’ve done it again”
So why not have a go yourself. Now is a good a time as any.
“Start with a blank sheet of paper. No constraints yours or others. What would you do next”
Life is complicated enough so why do we make it more so? It makes us weaker and in so doing those around us too.