I recently went all out to go for something that I really wanted. I thought long and hard about what I was going to write. The pros and cons and pressed send.
I waited 5 days and then came the news.
It wasn’t what I wanted to hear.
I was disappointed.
The normal rejection thoughts went through my head.
Gaining strength
It gave me a kick.
I actually felt stronger to do what I needed to do.
I had clarity of thought.
It reduced my options and in so doing stopped me leaning on something that felt like a security blanket.
It flicked an internal determination switch.
I went into action mode.
This wasn’t the first disappointment in my life and I’m sure there will be more to come. Some have definitely had significant impact on me and tested my inner strength.
I see these disappointments as just opportunities to turn a different corner and dig deeper. In my world it’s another layer of so called resilience and determination that builds on from the last event.
Being rejected makes you stronger as it reduces your options, gives you clarity of thought and at times I sense the universe is telling you what you should really be doing.
Wanting to build your inner strength don’t hesitate to get in touch. lizzie@lizzierhodesjames.co.uk